
Is Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Helpful With Diabetes?

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Diabetes typically causes high blood sugar levels, either because the body can’t produce adequate insulin, or because the cells have become resistant to the effects of insulin.

Human growth hormone (HGH) on the other hand, is a hormone produced naturally in the body, and has often been produced artificially to help in the treatment of various conditions, including diabetes. Although HGH plays a role in the regulation of blood sugar levels, its effects are complex, and the risks of exposing the body to abnormal HGH levels in diabetics are not well understood.

Insulin is produced by the pancreas, while HGH is produced by the pituitary gland. To understand the relationship between HGH and diabetes, it’s important to unravel some facts.

How HGH Interacts With Insulin

When HGH is introduced into the blood stream, it catalyzes the little insulin present in the body. This helps the body cells to absorb glucose. Insulin is crucial in the body, as it helps the cells breaks down glycogen into glucose, which is used to produce energy. If insulin is absent within body cells, glucose is absorbed by the fat cells, leading to energy deprivation and obesity.

The amount of HGH in the bloodstream determines whether glucose should be absorbed by the fat cells, or if it should be inhibited for the same.

This is the role that HGH plays in the regulation of blood sugar levels in diabetics, and it’s for this reason why it should only be used in small amounts, by an experienced physician.

How HGH Interacts With Cholesterol

People with high levels of cholesterol in their bodies are at a higher risk of contracting diabetes. Cholesterol inhibits the respiration of glucose, which leads to its absorption and thereby leading to high levels of sugars and fats in the blood stream.

When gGH is injected in this bloodstream, the levels of cholesterol start to decline, which reduces the risk of the person contracting diabetes mellitus. HGH ideally reduces both cholesterol and fat deposits inside the body, which might otherwise lead to insulin insensitivity in the body.

How HGH Interacts With The Liver

Alongside other functions, HGH acts on the liver cells to stimulate the production of IGF-I, an insulin-like growth factor. Despite the name, it’s not insulin. IGF-I usually acts on a different number of cells in the body. When there’s high levels of IGF-I in the body, the uptake of insulin by the cells as well as the metabolism of glucose in the liver are decreased. This also decreases the production of HGH, and in turn reduces the production of IGF-I.

hGH and diabetes

Thanks to this IGF-I compound, all the muscle and skeletal tissues can easily absorb glucose for growth and respiration, before it’s then converted into glycogen or fat molecules. As such, even if the production of insulin in diabetic patients is mediocre, the compound can help the body to reduce the amount of glucose present.

Moreover, this lowers the workload on the liver, meaning the body can work with the low levels of insulin, thereby reducing the need for insulin injections. Since much of the glucose will be going to the muscle and tissue cells, the fat deposits from the glucose conversion will be reduced, and this is an important health factor for the patient.

HGH And Diabetes: Summing Up

There has been a lot of speculation around the use and efficacy of HGH on diabetic patients. For older people with low levels of HGH in the body, intra-abdominal fat and lower sensitivity to insulin is quite common. In such situations, they tend to have high blood sugar. If HGH is administered correctly and not excessively, blood sugar levels should improve, not worsen.

But just as with any other medication, some side effects might be experienced, especially when generic or the wrong type of HGH is used. Nonetheless, when the hormone is used as it should – carefully and in minimal quantities it's side effects are highly unlikely. When administered in the right dosage and timing, HGH can allow a diabetes patient to go for weeks and even months without insulin injections.

Combining HGH therapy with good nutrition can offer even greater benefits. However, if you’re considering using HGH for diabetes management, be sure to consult your doctor first. HGH and diabetes can be a bad combination, especially if used inappropriately.

Check out Longevity 120 recommendations for the best HGH supplements.

Rosemary Richards