
Food Intolerance Testing By Hair Analysis

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Do you experience unpleasant physical reactions to some foods? Might be time to invest in a Food Intolerance Test? You may be dealing with food intolerance by overindulging on a specific ingredient.

Food intolerance refers to the adverse chemical reactions or symptoms that you experience after eating. According to recent scientific studies, about 20% of the global population exhibit a food intolerance, with symptoms of food intolerance typically beginning within a few hours of consumption. Other symptoms appear up to two days afterward, making it challenging to identify the source of the intolerance.

One way to pinpoint your problem areas is through an expert food intolerance examination. These tests find the primary cause of your symptoms and help you change your habits.

While food intolerance doesn't have a cure, testing helps you live your life without suffering symptoms daily—a food intolerance examination promotes better health for the long haul.

One of the most renowned food intolerance tests is hair analysis. In this guide, we will help you understand the hair analysis route and identify the right food intolerance exam for you. We will also discuss common food intolerances and symptoms that you need to know.

Intolerance Lab Review

Intolerance Lab is a renowned hair analysis laboratory, which specializes in hair testing to identify patients' food intolerances.

Full Testing Packages – 350+ Foods & 350+ Non-Foods

food intolerance test

The professionals at Intolerance Lab offer various food intolerance testing packages, customized for different markets. Intolerance Lab will analyze your hair samples against more than 350 foods and 350 non-food allergens and toxins in their established database.

The test is ideal for those looking to identify the causes of their symptoms, whether it's related to food or not. If you're suffering from a symptom like a headache or battling a skin problem like acne, the test may be a good option for you. It’s also the best value for money with qualified nutritionists and a faster timeframe of three to five days.

There are three primary discount packages—Full, Happy Couple, and Family testing. The Happy Couple package gives you a discount on two full tests, and the Family package covers four people.

Pros And Cons


  • The company has qualified nutritionists to accurately analyze your results
  • The results will come back quickly
  • The lab offers non-invasive, hassle-free testing
  • The company specializes in hair analysis and has a laser focus on the niche
  • The company provides top-notch after sales support
  • The company doesn't ask questions if you wish to refund your money after six months


  • The lab only offers hair analysis
  • There is no scope for other varieties of intolerance or allergy tests

I highly recommend taking this test. I discovered intolerances I would never have thought of and since removing them from my diet I have felt so much better

Wendy Boyd – 18 July

100% Money-Back Guarantee

The company is highly confident about the results of its food intolerance hair analysis, and the after sales support of Intolerance Lab is one of a kind. The food intolerance testing company offers a money-back guarantee if your health condition doesn’t improve within six months of your consultation.

State-Of-The-Art Technology

Intolerance Lab uses cutting-edge biotechnology equipment imported from the United States. With this new-wave hair analysis technology, the company provides a complete list of the foods over 85% positive on the intolerance examinations. It also guarantees that you will promptly receive accurate results with the help of highly advanced equipment.

hair analysis testing in the laboratory

Hair Analysts Trusted By Professional Athletes

Aside from servicing the general public, Intolerance Lab services many professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts. These professionals require in-depth analyses of the food they need to consume for optimum health, using it as a perfect diet guideline to guarantee peak performance in the chosen field or sports event.

Intolerance Lab is supported by some of the most significant brand names in the fitness industry, including:

  • Pinnacle Performance
  • The Gym City Fitness Centre
  • Reebok CrossFit Tyneside
  • Amplify Fitness


Intolerance Lab is a great service provider if you're specifically looking for food intolerance hair testing. Since the company specializes in the hair examination niche market, you can expect excellent, in-depth analysis.

The company knows that catering to a narrow target market has its perks, so it has diligently invested in high-tech solutions that are supported by the best specialists in the industry.

Why Hair Analysis Is Best

Food intolerance hair analysis is an examination of the strands to identify what you need to avoid eating. It is a gateway to a healthier life for individuals with food intolerance.

In this test, you will be required to send your hair samples to a specialist food intolerance laboratory. Hair-testing laboratories examine the strands at the cellular level, and the energy fields within the hair will be thoroughly scanned for their mineral content. Some machines identify up to fifty substances that say a lot about an individual’s condition.

food intolerance test by using hair analysis

After the examination, the results will be compared to the lab's information base to recognize food hypersensitivity or intolerance. It measures Immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels. The experts can also identify allergies by measuring the blood's immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies.

Compared to other food intolerance tests that require blood extraction or skin pricks, hair analysis is safe, non-invasive, and as painless as plucking a few hair strands.

Hair analysis is an outstanding procedure to determine vitamin and mineral deficiencies and heavy metal poisoning. It can also detect some genetic disorders and determine whether a person is taking recreational drugs, like amphetamines and cocaine.

Other Types Of Food Intolerance Tests

Are you interested in other food intolerance tests? Here are some other types of testing that may suit your condition or preferences better:

Hydrogen Breath Test

The hydrogen breath test, or lactose breath test, is common for those dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The test determines whether dietary fructose malabsorption or lactose (milk sugar) intolerance exists in the body.

These issues are related to sugar absorption. It commonly manifests when the body has a metabolic storage disorder or enzyme deficiency, rendering it inefficient in processing different sugar forms.

Although the hydrogen breath test is the sole way to determine fructose or lactose intolerance, the examination can't spot IgG food allergy.

In this test, you will be required to drink a specific quantity of sugar without having eaten anything else for a set period. You will then be requested to blow into a device that quantifies your H2 levels.

Skin-Prick Test

In the skin-prick allergy test, the specialist will place a small quantity of a specific food on your skin, usually on the forearm. It is typically food that you suspect may have resulted in an adverse reaction.

After the item is in place, the specialist will prick your skin using a thin needle, placing a tiny portion of the food underneath the skin. If an itchy bump forms in the area, you are allergic to the suspected food.

The process can be time-consuming. It needs to assess the specific foods that advocate symptoms and pinpoint whether one or many of these substances are a problem.

Note that this test should only be conducted by a health professional.

Elimination Diets

A traditional way to assess if you have a food intolerance is by systematic elimination. You will be instructed not to eat specific suspected foods for a period to see if there is a physical reaction (or lack of symptoms). It is effective and non-invasive, but it also requires patience and careful examination.

The process can be tedious, as you must often observe the effects for weeks to rule out a true intolerance to the food or non-food. It may also cause imbalances in your diet, diminishing the nutrients your body needs for a time.

a healthy array of foods

Blood Test

In this test, a specialist will collect your blood and measure the quantity of reaginic (IgE) antibodies to a specific food. Reaginic antibodies appear within the immune system only if you have been exposed to a substance that causes an allergy.


Kinesiology, also called biomechanics, refers to the study of bodily movement. In this test, the specialist tests the muscle responses to the food as the patient holds it inside a small glass vessel.

Pulse Test

A straightforward process, the pulse rate is taken before and after eating. If there is an increase of ten pulse beats every minute, it often demonstrates food intolerance to that specific ingredient.

The process was quick and easy. All questions were answered really quickly. My intolerance list is long but after cutting out those foods my IBS has gone, I have more energy and I’ve lost weight. I really recommend this for anyone struggling with stomach upset.

Amber Verity Williams –10 July

Allergies Vs. Intolerance Vs. Sensitivity

Food allergies, intolerance, and sensitivity cause different reactions. These terms are often used interchangeably to determine food reactions and symptoms, but there are important conceptual differences. For example, you may need to avoid specific foods entirely while enjoying other ingredients in moderation.

Food Allergy

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 4% of adults have a food allergy. These allergies can develop at any age.

A food allergy is far more severe than intolerance or sensitivity. If you are allergic to an item or food group, exposure may cause an overblown immune system response. It also precipitates life-threatening symptoms, like very low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and extreme vomiting.

Food Sensitivity

Sensitivity is the least worrying level of intolerance or reaction. You may experience non-life-threatening symptoms that are not related to food allergies and food intolerances, including stomachaches, joint pain, rashes, and physical or mental fatigue.

Unlike allergies, food sensitivities may disappear with time. Our bodies and immune systems continually evolve and may learn to endure specific foods.

do sugar or gluten make you feel unwell?

The most common way to identify food sensitivities is via an elimination diet. You will remove the food from your diet for a few weeks, and slowly reintroduce it so that your body won't overreact. If the symptoms reappear when you reintroduce the food, further investigation is warranted to confirm the food sensitivity or a more serious intolerance.

Food Intolerance

If you have a food intolerance, you may still be able to enjoy it in small amounts, preventing adverse reactions. After a food intolerance exam to confirm the reaction, a nutritionist will help you develop a comprehensive diet to counteract these effects.

Some of the most common food intolerance symptoms include acid indigestion, stomach pain, bloating, or constipation.

The 8 Most Common Foods That Cause Problems

These foods commonly cause food intolerance, sensitivity, or allergies. Keep an eye on the products you consume with the following ingredients:

Milk – Cow's milk is the most common type to cause allergy with the high lactose content. Milk from sheep, goats, and other animals may cause reactions, as well. A severe milk allergy may cause anaphylaxis, which is potentially life-threatening.

Eggs – Egg intolerance is not fatal, but an egg allergy can be dangerous if it leads to anaphylaxis.

Peanuts – The common symptoms of peanut sensitivity and intolerance are related to skin and digestion. You may experience bloating and diarrhea, or frequent skin rashes.

Shellfish – Shellfish reactions vary from mild to life-threatening. The most common marine animals that cause these reactions include crab, crustaceans, shrimp, lobster, oysters, and scallops.

Tree Nuts – If you are allergic to specific tree nuts, it doesn't mean that you are allergic to all types. You need to thoroughly discuss the types of tree nuts with your physician to see which are suitable for you. Tree nuts include pistachios, cashews, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts.

Wheat – You find wheat in many other foods and forms, like ice cream, soy sauce, and even hot dogs. If you have a wheat allergy, make sure that you check the ingredients carefully to avoid any reactions.

Soy – Some soy intolerance symptoms last for several days, including skin, respiratory, and nervous system reactions. Seek medical help if you suspect this to be the case, or your symptoms are worsening.

Fish – For some people, merely touching a fish causes a reaction. The steam from cooking fish or any products with fish ingredients, like Worcestershire sauce and surimi, may even produce symptoms. Never ignore these reactions—consuming fish when you are highly allergic to it is life-threatening.

Absolutely fantastic service! I wish I had done this sooner as I had contemplated it for ages. The top 2 I know are correct as I knew I was allergic to the top food item when younger and the top non-food item I was told by a doctor I was allergic to it. That gave me complete faith in the rest of the results. Some got an ‘I knew it' reaction and some were a complete surprise. Already I feel so much better – no longer anywhere near as lethargic and the bloating in my stomach has gone so far. I had been told by doctors I had trapped wind/IBS which was causing the bloating but couldn't narrow it down to the cause. Now I know and can avoid the culprits! Thank you so much, I would encourage anyone thinking about it to do it!!

Sonia MacEwan Monique Bonnet– 5 August

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Typical Food Allergy Symptoms

Food allergies are the most severe form of intolerance. It can be fatal and should be taken seriously.

If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical help at once:

  • Swelling of different parts of the body (face, lips, tongue, or throat)
  • Breathing problems due to a swollen throat
  • Excessive vomiting
  • Excessive or prolonged diarrhea
  • Extremely low blood pressure
  • Hives or extremely itchy rashes
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Weak or uneven heartbeat
  • Fainting or Lightheadedness

Non-fatal allergy symptoms may not need urgent medical assistance:

  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Dry cough
  • Cramps

Knowing what makes your body tick is the key to aging well—don’t let food intolerance rob you of life’s joys.


Our #1 Recommendation

  • The results will come back quickly
  • Non-invasive, hassle-free testing
  • Qualified nutritionists

Rosemary Richards